Why Everyone Should Care About Invasive Plants
Invasive alien plant species have cost India’s economy Rs 8.3 trillion over the last 60 years.
Invasive alien plant species have cost India’s economy Rs 8.3 trillion over the last 60 years.
Recently Indian Bison is in news for some different reasons- human-animal conflict.
Physio-chemical properties of Panchagavya revealed that they possess almost all the major nutrients, micro-nutrients, and growth hormones required for plant growth.
Raising a wild animal as a pet is a tempting and exciting idea but it is not only denying animal of its natural habitat but it’s also against wildlife laws.
An ecosystem restoration initiative to conserve and restore a forest to sustain and support the wildlife, water and humans alike.
A Sustainable watershed development initiative : beginning of restoration of barren hill into a rich forest.
Forestry can single-handedly offer solution for rural unemployment crisis
Rainwater harvesting is our traditional wisdom which we have lost. Regaining it will only save us, strengthen us, make our lives sustainable
We cut forests and tend to compensate it with plantations! The question is does simple plantations, function in the same way as forests does?
Recently there is a growing interest for nature-based tourism. It has presented opportunities for green businesses.
They provide various ecosystem services like nutrient cycling, dispersion of seeds, as bio control agents, as scavengers in many ecosystems etc.
The raptors play an important ecological role as scavengers , control populations of rodents and other small mammals.
Since 2009, Aditi Learning Center (ALC) is working on grass root level for supporting the intellectual, emotional and social growth of young women
The greatest threats to butterflies are habitat loss due to residential, commercial and agricultural development also use of pesticides and de-weeding.
These garden at PCMC are out of ordinary, as these aims to create an “urban forest”.
There is a need and scope for educating the tourists about crocodile ecology and importance of riverine habitats.
Bhamburda forest garden is a model of community participation in protection and conservation of green spaces.
We plan to restore a forest of 20000 trees in the monsoon of July 2021! And we need your help to do that! Contribute saplings in Vruksh Khosh or donate Rs. 50 per sapling.