- 9890288011/9503786619
- connect@forrest-india.org
- Pune, India
FORREST – Forest Regeneration and Environmental Sustainability Trust, was born on OCT 2015. It is registered as a not-for-profit organization (NGO). We conceptualized FORREST to strengthen the bond between humans and nature and to create a path for harmonious co-existence.
FORREST is strategically focusing on Aichi Biodiversity targets through work by-
To create a conscious world that values, conserves and cherishes nature.We envision natural ecosystems with flourishing floral and faunal diversity, forests inter linked with corridors, clean free flowing rivers, undisturbed natural wetlands, and their ecological benefits to one and all.
FORREST is committed to work firmly towards forest and biodiversity conservation, ecosystem connectivity and habitat restoration. We believe in collective wisdom. We believe our vision can be attained through action oriented positive interventions, conservation consciousness, and advocacy. We aspire to re-establish the bond between humans and nature.
FORREST logo symbolizes its vision.
We plan to restore a forest of 20000 trees in the monsoon of July 2021! And we need your help to do that! Contribute saplings in Vruksh Khosh or donate Rs. 50 per sapling.